Milson Road, Daily Portrait is on it’s way!

I wrote a post awhile back for a giveaway that was going on.  My post was who’s day is it anyways?  Well, I ended up being granted the give away.  Thanks to Mommy Confessions Blog!

It took me awhile to actually place the order.  Me and computers just seem to.. let’s just say have problems!  So I guess that I should mention that at times I am a procrastinater.  And as excited as I was about having won this wonderful gift from Milson Road, of their Daily Portrait.  I just was not sure what I really wanted to do with.  First when I saw the ability to enter the drawing I thought hard about my Shyla, because she was my first girl, and she really had nothing of her own yet, nothing extra.  So then I put more thought into it, and thought about our anniversary.  Well, that one went by pretty quick.  So then my mind kept coming back to Schyler.

Schyler is a very special delivery (goodness here I go with my tears).  She is a very small package filled with great wonders!  Not that my other children are not, it is just that her coming into this world was part of God’s wonderful plan of teaching me.  Yes, I know every child is from God’s plan. 

We had been kicked out of a rental due to foreclosure, my husband was leaving for Iraq, we had to move the four of us (at the time) into one of our friends bedrooms, we packed our things put them in storage, I left in April for Ohio, found out the next day I was prego, the next day Sean left for Iraq, time passed I moved me and the kids back here to Vegas into a rental,( this was a high risk pregnancy due to high blood pressure and 2 previous preterm babies).  I was going to the hospital every other day, Sean came home the next wk.  The next day there was a knock at the door saying that this house was supposed to be vacant and that they were there to change the locks.  A wk later I went in for one of my check on a Monday, and they kept me, they sent me out on emergency from the base hospital expecting a c-section as soon as I got to the hospital down town.  I got there saw some high risk doctors (supposedly some of the best in town.)  The one did an ultra sound and said that the baby was not yet 4 lbs and that we should try to keep it in as long as we could.  (Schyler was a surprise we did not know her sex)  They gave me yet another set of steroid shots (which have to be days apart) and put me on a Mag drip earlier that morning before I even left the base hospital.  I was only 33 wks.  I was bed ridden because of the mag drip, and I had migraines from the high blood pressure meds that they had me on for the previous few wks.  Add all of the meds together along with being scared and having a migraine, and then add a doctor coming into the room to tell you…”you are the one that is going to die, you are the one that will leave your kids without a mommy, and your husband will be the one caring for possibly a mentally challenged infant along with the other 2 children without you.”  Ok, this obviously was not a “I will hold your hand doctor” who was there to help me understand.  He was a in your face, no sugar coat, kick your butt, do it my way or else, like or lump it doctor.  This of course did not calm me any further, and I was already on all of these meds and my blood pressure was still 219 over 117.  So you can see where this was leading. … I prayed, I prayed like I never had before….

My prayers were simple…..  Lord, please let your will be done, help me not to resist you.  Please always let my children know how much they are loved.  Please Lord, just let Sean have the ability to get through this.  No matter where I am, please help him to be a strong source for our children.  If it is your will to take me, let your will be done.

I will never say that this was the easiest prayer in my life, but it was the most honest, and scariest.  My God, is an awesome God. 

On Wednesday night the doctor came in to talk with me and Sean and said that I was going to harm the baby further if we did not have her soon.  So he scheduled a c-section for the next afternoon.  He said that the baby would hopefully be fine until then, and that they really needed to get that last steroid shot in me and give it time to work, that was why they were waiting till the afternoon.

The next morning, he came in at just before 8, and told me that we had to take the baby now.  My blood pressure was to dangerous for too long, and that he had been watching the baby, and that it was really causing too much distress at that moment, that she had to come out NOW.  I immediately got on the phone with Sean, and he barely made it, but he dropped off the kids and was there by my side.  at 9:12 AM we had a perfect 3 lb 10 oz, baby girl.  She breathed on her own, she even ate from a bottle right away, this was my miracle from God.

Of course I did not get to see her but a brief moment when they put her up to my face, and then swooped her away to the NICU.  I was still on bed rest the rest of that day.  Then I got to go see her around 4 or so in the morning.  She was so small, I had no idea what to expect.  They had told me, while I was still in recovery, that she had eaten the amount of a 1/2 tsp, within the first hour. They were totally thrilled with that.  She did not have to be tubed, she did not have to have all kinds of things that you would expect coming from her.  She was small, but in perfect health!

I was told on Saturday morning that they needed my bed, and that they were going to discharge me, how soon could I get I ride?  If I could not get a ride, they would pay for a cab.. Wow, that was quick!!  They had not checked my blood pressure, or given me any of my meds since they had delivered the baby.  I still had my headaches.  Sunday night (baby still down town in the NICU, she had to get 4 lbs to come home) I felt like my heart was racing, Sean went and got me a blood pressure cuff.  I was 220 over 116.  I called the base hospital and told not to worry this is normal (yeah right).  I called again in the morning 226 over 117.  That afternoon they told me to stop by after seeing the baby for them to monitor me quickly.  So I did, and they within a couple of minutes had me hooked up again and bed ridden.  I was not going anywhere…. I was there for another 3 days. 

With my husband just coming home from Iraq, he was being stressed out to his entire limit.  At one point he passed out in the hallway of our house (while I was in the hospital) he is 6 foot 3, and he put a nice size hole in the wall where his elbow went through when he fell.  The 2 wks of R&R  is not supposed to be this stressful, but he adapted the best that he could, running a home as a single dad, going to 1 hospital to see his wife, drop his kids off at a friend’s house because the kids are not allowed at either hospital, and then running to the other hospital to see the baby.

So this is a lot of information….but this is why I chose to make my Daily Portrait from Milson Road’s giveaway, for my Schyler’s birth.  She is a miracle to me from God.  A miracle of life, that God showed me… if I let it all go.. if I give him full control of any situation…. he will provide.  It may not always be the outcome that I want… but it is the outcome of his will.

The real reason I am writing this blog today, is because I had just got an email saying that my Daily Portrait is being shipped and on its way…. I can’t wait to take a picture and share it with you~ So thank you so much Mommy Confessions Blog for hosting an awesome giveaway, and thank you so much to Milson Road for giving a reminder to see everyday, how blessed I truly am!

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